If anything else this past 18 months has taught us one thing, to be able to diversify.
Pivoting was a big word in 2020. For many, working in the events and wedding industry, businesses were completely wiped out.
Some business owners returned to the workplace, others decided to ride the storm out, but it has been a long storm that none of us ever expected would last so long.

Selling products or services online became an interesting option. Watching trends unfold during the pandemic was interesting and to see businesses tapping into new markets.
Restaurants and caterers offering home deliveries, online tutorials and fitness classes, zoom party ideas, subscription boxes and teaching skills online.
As we emerge out the other side of the pandemic the way the majority wish to work is changing and there are very interesting statistics.
26% of workers are planning to leave their employers after the pandemic, 80% are doing so because they’re concerned about their career advancement. 72% say the pandemic caused them to rethink their skill sets.
More than half of potential job-hoppers have sought out new trainings and skills during the pandemic, possibly to prepare to change jobs in the next few months.
Many in the 9 to 5 workforce decided to use their time wisely to create a side-line business that may eventually allow them to leave their jobs and allow them more flexible working hours to fit in around their families and private lives.
Online businesses thrived, Amazon is one of the most well known ones, but florists offering subscriptions, cake boxes, home party boxes, catering boxes, creative crafts, book writing skills, photography workshops all continued to operate successfully during the pandemic.
People were keen to learn new skills and improve their home environments, they still wanted to celebrate even if it was whilst being confined to their homes.

Setting up any new business takes time, you need to build an audience and retain them, this is where email marketing comes into play.
But why would I need it for a wedding business I hear you say, the clients are one offs, they won't get married again, or hopefully not!
OK let me explain, you can post out on social media until the cows come home but unless you are capturing your audiences details thus facilitating reaching out directly to them in their inbox then you are throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping it will stick.
You can add a CTA (Call to Action) in your social media which is great such as DM me or find out more here, link in bio, etc.
You may get a few bookings via social media but using email marketing is working much smarter for your business.
How many emails do you receive each day from a mailing list?
You probably don't take too much notice but consider who is popping into your inbox regularly. For me it is big brands, clothing companies, companies I have used to send gifts like Flowerbx, Biscuiteers, Oliver Bonas and anything I have signed up to.
By signing up I have ticked a box and consented for my email address to be added to their subscribers list.
Do note you cannot just create an email list and put all your clients and suppliers emails into it, you need their consent and this is where the GDPR code of practise comes into play otherwise you are not being compliant with the privacy laws. This is a serious offence.
But think of marketing like fishing. You have your company, website and blog set up.
You are casting your net wider using social media to bring them closer to your business, with your hook and bait you are intent on capturing their attention and drawing them in.
Some may escape! Many swim by but if you 1 have captured their email address you are going to start showing up right in front of them shouting here I am again!
Using email marketing is smart but you don't need to use it just to set up a new business although I would strongly suggest you do.
You can use email marketing for your wedding business engaging with potential customers directly into their inbox when you have offers, sharing new venues, newsletters, etc.
Who are they more likely to book, the company popping into their inbox regularly or the one they happened to swim past or stop and check out on in Instagram or Facebook?
The beauty of having your email list is don't forget they will be celebrating more milestones. Hosting gorgeous dinner parties, looking for restaurants, party styling, photographs of other celebrations, birthday cakes, friends getting married or planning another holiday.
Even if they didn't use you for their wedding they may still make a booking further down the line for another occasion.
If you would love to download my email marketing tutorial you can get yours here.
We will also be hosting mini workshops over the summer to help you master email marketing if you would like to add this to your business model.
It will be free for members but a small fee for non members. If you are interested in joining my Business of Weddings Membership Club you can read more here. We have already covered quite a lot about email marketing for your wedding business in the Membership club already and let's dream of automation so we aren't replying to so many emails.