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Where does a blog fit into my wedding business marketing?

I get you, blogging is time consuming, difficult if you are not a writer and not on your top of the list things to do.

You are a wedding planner, a florist, a photographer, a supplier to the wedding industry, not a marketing guru.

Most suppliers who start up are solopreneurs, balancing their skills with all the other components of running a business, trust me I have been there!

I know you can have a quick win on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc and all these platforms are brilliant free tools for all businesses to use.

But they aren't yours, they belong to other companies, your social media is your rented space, your website and blog is your home.

Oh but blogging is old fashioned, let me tell you it isn't, it is your powerhouse for your business.

Are you spending more time making your rented spaces look nice instead of your home? Would you do this in real life?

Let's take a look at why you should be creating your blog strategy.

Eeek it gets worse, what on earth is a blog strategy!

A basic blog strategy would be a list of ideas you have to write a blog about.

Your weddings, tips for couples, sharing your next season inspiration, what is trending.

You can create posts before special holidays, engagement season and consider the times of year you will post.

As an example, you may create a post in August all about Christmas Wedding Inspirations, this gives your blog post time to be searched and moved up the rankings so when your audience are typing these keywords in, your blog post will show up.

Remember once a post is published it is out there gaining traction for your SEO forever....

So what is the next level of blog post strategy planning?

Getting more strategic is thinking of the wider picture.

Publish a more generic post, maybe about the wedding venues you love to work with and why.

Then create a post about a wedding you did at one of the venues and start linking them up in your posts, internal links.

So as an example here if you wish to learn more about finding images for your blog posts you can do so here.

This is how you start to be more strategic and linking your posts up. It will keep your site visitors on your website longer, showing your authority, expertise and Google will twig your content on your website must be interesting. They will love you and push you up their rankings.

Let's make that fabulous blog post work harder for your business

When couples get engaged where is the first place they will go to search for their wedding inspiration?

They will head over to the wonderful world of PINTEREST! Pinterest is the largest visual search engine in the world and all your ideal clients are there.

This is where the strategy starts, let's say you created that Christmas Wedding Inspiration post, either a wedding you have done or some inspirations you have created for your readers.

Create 7 pins using different images in Canva, a title so pinners know what your pin is about, a description and most importantly a link to the fabulous Christmas Inspiration post you wrote.

If you would love to find out more about Pinterest for your wedding business here are some previous posts you may find useful.

I also have an entire Pinterest course in The Business of Weddings Membership Club, which will not only make you a Pinterest pro but will show you many ways you can monetise your business.

I hope you enjoyed these blogging business tips and if you wish to be part of my free Facebook Community of wedding pros just like you, come and join us.


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