I see so many businesses who have a website and social media representing work that is far inferior to the actual work they create and do, WHY!
I can answer this question.
They just are so busy doing the I am running my business thing, they do not have the time to even begin to think about their website and social media. It is just out there even if it is crap.
Often with my clients they know that their website far from reflects the actual work they do, but don´t even know where to start to re-branding and what their actual business message is and quite frankly don´t have time.
They are skilled in their craft but lack the knowledge and tools to address their online presence.
They are busy enough and do not need to update anything........business is still rolling in so they see no need to keep up to date and on trend.
Your website and social media are the only thing your potential clients will see when they are searching for your services. You have to view it like a shop window, are you dirty drab and out of date, screaming purple logos, or is your shop window bang up to date, stylish, sparkling away and attracting your ideal clients into your store?
If you leave your online presence to become drab and boring this is a sure fire way of losing clients to shiny, sparkly competitors and believe me in the world of weddings and the creative businesses there are always going to be the newbies following hot on your heels so it is super important to be always bang up to date.
If you are feeling a bit tired, drab, having to lower your prices to get bookings, knowing you are in need of a business refresh, but really don´t know when you will get time, get inspired or find someone that really understands your business then why not book a meeting or call with me.
I turn drab and out of date businesses back into shiny sparkly shopfronts and more importantly get my business owners motivated to get their businesses back out there shouting buy me :)
It is not tedious or even hard work, although if you have become very out of date, it might be! It is fun, it is energising and I will inspire you and give you tips and insights that will last a lifetime and you can apply to many other aspects of your life.
If you are feeling a bit lost, not sure what your business niche is, have a problem you wish to overcome or just wish to run a beautiful, creative and lucrative business then get in touch.