Recently I was having a chat with someone who has set up her wedding planning business.
As a wedding and creative business mentor, I see the differences between the 'go for its' and the ones who hold back.
As an entrepreneur it's natural to want to be sure that you're making the best decisions for your business.
Yet when this desire turns into a habit of overthinking, it can ultimately hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Overthinking Traits
Overthinking when setting up your business or taking it to the next level can manifest in many different ways, here are just some I see.
Analysis Paralysis when someone spends too much time analyzing a situation or problem, worrying they will get it wrong so it just freezes them.
Second guessing everything leading to doubt and no action.
Fear of failure, worrying every action they take will cause disastrous results, when actually they won't!
Let's not forget perfectionism is a common one in the wedding and creative industry.
Too many times I have seen wedding businesses stall as imposter syndrome strikes and they don't feel they could ever be as good.
You don't have to be as good and you have no idea what goes on behind those businesses doors.
I can tell you a lot of them are juggling, exhausted and suffering burnout because I help them.
How do you kick Overwhelm out?
A lot of the traits above stop the business owner doing anything, or just shuffling through the mud they have created for themselves.
This is why so many peoples dreams end up back on the back burner.
So let's take a look at what you could do if you suffer from overwhelm and overthinking.
Set clear goals, decide how you are going to achieve them and do it.
One of my star students was out the stable door as Covid lifted and created 5 styled shoots, learnt to blog and now has 48k monthly views on Pinterest.
Her first styled shoots were good but her last few were fab and got featured. Needless to say she is fully booked! She wasn't afraid of making mistakes.
Don't worry about looking in your rear view and side mirrors just focus solely on your goal. She knew she needed images so went for it!
If you feel you need support then find it. I was her mentor and guide and she did everything I asked her to do.
Messy action and imperfect action is better than no action plus you will learn from mistakes, we all have!
Don't worry if you do make a mistake, it happens all the time, just dust yourself down and try again.
This could be your first styled shoot was awful, but next time you will be better, trust me my first styled shoot was cringe worthy!
The model fainted, the cakes melted and all in all it wasn't my best piece ever!
Yet this didn't stop me doing more, many of which have become featured styled shoots, as well as consequent weddings, with well
known conveted names in wedding world.
Be Realistic about your Time
Any small creative or wedding business will take time to become established and one of the biggest surprises is when business owners realise there is a whole lot of other things you need to do such as marketing and getting visible.
Anyone can build a website nowadays and open a social media account but you need to learn the strategy behind marketing and sales.
Often I find creative businesses have no idea about marketing, they have either come from a corporate job and pursued a passion or are a millienial stuck on social media platforms and no idea how to progress their businesses.
Dedicating time to your business is crucial, not marketing your business isn't going to help at all.
Network but also understand peoples time is precious. Attend events, workshops, wedding fairs and other networking opportunities that align with your business.
Offer to do a blog post about businesses you would love to collaborate with or have worked with.
Take time to create images for your business by seeking out opportunities to creating styled shoots, tablescapes, etc.
To Summarize this Post
I hope this advice helps, too many dream of working in the wedding industry and are overwhelmed when they find out what is really involved.
It isn't a life of creating gorgeous tablescapes and fawning over wedding dresses.
It is extremely long days on your feet, dealing with clients who are spending a lot of money on their dream wedding, a LOT of time on email and then the behind the business scenes, the marketing, accounts, the to do lists...
So if you want to run a successful wedding or creative wedding business drop the overthinking now and go for it and don't hold back.
The business I was chatting to had been offered an opportunity to work on a wedding in Italy, the Almalfi coast yet she is the other side of the world.
When I checked out the Italian planners site it became apparent she hasn't done any actual weddings but has the most fabulous Instagram and website which is again why she is now being booked.
She has nailed her vibe/brand, created styled shoots one of which was featured in Vogue and is on a roll.
We all start somewhere but if you are an overthinker try using the tips I have suggested or get in touch and let's kick that trait out, just go for it!
If you would love my help or eyes on your business just get in touch as