After many Masterclasses and a paid Mini Workshop about blogging for your wedding business in the Business of Weddings Facebook Group, I hope you have been working hard on your blogs!
Blogging is massive for SEO with Google but now let's look at Pinterest as another search engine to drive even more traffic to your blog posts. After all we don't want all this hard work on your wedding blog just relying on one search engine to help clients find your businesses.
If you haven't started your wedding business blog or are struggling to write posts you maybe interested in my Dream Wedding Blogger Toolkit, with 24 blog post already done for you. A selection of 24 wedding blog templates you can add your own images to, change some of the text and locations so it is relevant to your business. There are a great selection of posts in the blogging toolkit for planners, stationers, photographers, caterers, hair and makeup artist and venues. This toolkit is also available in the Business of Weddings Membership Club

Being found on Pinterest is much easier than competing on the first page of Google and is an ideal place to promote your businesses if you are in a creative industry.
Pinterest and Instagram are the two most popular places for newly engaged couples to hang out, gathering inspiration and looking for suppliers. They are two quite different platforms though to help you market your businesses so let's look at the differences.
Instagram is searchable through hashtags, it is shorter lived and it takes time to gain new followers, i,e, leads to your businesses but a great platform for people to get to know you through your posts, content, stories and reels. Many enquiries will come through your Instagram account if you state your CTA (Call to Action) is to DM (Direct Message) you.
Pinterest is another search engine, it isn't instant engagement but it is a great platform for driving more traffic to your business, especially if you are in the wedding industry. Pinterest is for the longer game, exactly like Google searches, but you can get clever with this breaking everything down for social media platforms too and capturing your audience using email building lists.
If you have just been using Pinterest for your personal life and pinning inspirations then now is the time to change it to a Business Account or set up your account. If you aren't sure how, then you can download my tutorial here.
If you already have a business account and are pinning content take a look at your pins and the links on them. Where are they taking your audience to? Usually it will just be a website but let's take a closer look at where you could take them to. If a user finds a pin they love they ideally wish to be taken to an area within your business where they can read more or find out more.
For example if they see a bouquet inspiration and it is just linked to your website this is frustrating, whereas if the pin was linked to the blog post you created about that wedding or bouquet inspirations they have landed exactly where they wished to find out more. It doesn't just have to be your blog, it could be a link to your gallery with that bouquet in, your shop where they can buy that bouquet or a post that explains all the flowers in the bouquet.
Be conscious of your own Pinterest journey and how you use Pinterest. Let's take a scenario, you are looking for a recipe, you see a pin with a fab image and a description of that recipe so you click on it. Ideally you will be taken to a blog post with that exact recipe on it, the ingredients, how to make it and more images of it. You won't just be taken to a website and have to search for that recipe. That is frustrating so don't do this to your audience.
If you don't have a business account on Pinterest you can easily change it, here is a tutorial to show you how.
Start tidying up your Pinterest, you don't have to delete pins but you can go back and look at them, add keywords, maybe change the descriptions and now start pinning more relevant content.
You can also streamline your boards so your Pinterest looks like a well laid out magazine rack using board covers and this month in The Business of Weddings Membership Club I will be showing you how and you will receive an editable Canva template for your Pinterest.
Over the next few months I will be taking you on a marketing journey in the Business of Weddings Membership Club and how to use content you are creating on your blogs and styled shoots across Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.
It is time to lose the overwhelm and the 'I have no real idea what I am doing' and come over and join us for just 27 euros per month.
If you missed the link to get your free tutorial to change your Pinterest to a Business Account you can download it here.