Having a one dimensional business these days has been proven to be risky.
Based purely on providing a service we have seen the destructive results of the pandemic and if you become unable to work.
But let's have some fun as I show you how you can start generating other sources of income.
As one of my Blogging Brilliance cohorts exclaimed excitedly recently 'well this opens up a world of possibilities'!
Yes it does!

Different Income Streams for Wedding Businesses to Consider
Whilst there are many ideas to make extra income, I specialize in Blogging for creatives and the wedding industry, so will talk about monetising your blogs and how to drive traffic to your posts.
If you don't like writing then this post won't be for you, although you can learn to write confidently.
The creative and wedding industry is made up of extremely talented entrepreneurs who know their stuff so share your knowledge with people wishing to learn more.
E Books, Templates and Digital Products
Are one way of adding income into your business.
Decide who your target market is and create products for them. There is a huge rise of couples DIYing their weddings now and looking for help.
Create planning sheets, timings sheets and a wedding timeline for them, bundle this into a Wedding Planners pack including an E book to help them.
You won't be losing business as you work in a physical area but you can sell online all over the world.
If you are a florist you can create 'how to create your own wedding flowers' E book or video tutorial that people can buy.
You all have unique skills others would love to learn.
Often these skills are sought after not just for the knowledge you have but to save them time. They don't want to spend hours on You Tube just to find the information they are searching for.
They may not want to purchase stationery and are happy to buy a stationery template.
They may want to learn to create sugar flowers or how to edit photos.
They would happily pay a celebrant for a template to give them a head start.
Use Affiliate Marketing
If you are a blog or article writer, harness the power of affiliate marketing.
Once you have written a post with links to affiliates that post isn't disappearing.
If your SEO is good and you know how to use Pinterest properly, it will continue to generate income into your business.
Start an Email list
Rather then replying purely on being seen on Social Media, start your own email list.
Everytime you have an offer, a new venue, a new product, share it with your subscribers.
Get right in front of your customers.
Often couples are engaged for at least a year, deciding who to book for their weddings. If you are the planner, photographer, florist, cake designer who has been in their email who are they more likely to book.
If you decide to create an online product to help them, tell them about it.
Maybe you want to run workshops in the quieter months, tell your email list.
As my wonderful cohort said this opens up a huge amount of possibilities.
Yes it does, as the online space grows, and we have access to amazing tools like Canva, the world is your oyster.
If you would love to be part of my next Blogging Brilliance 6 week course you can sign up here to be informed when it is running again.