Want in on a super simple marketing tactic? Do you need to be consistent on social media but finding it overwhelming?
Don't be surprised, if you are posting once a day just on Instagram this is 28 pieces of content you have got to create for that month. This is one account for one business so imagine if you are running two accounts, also posting on Facebook, Pinterest, Linked In, etc you can quickly see how the numbers of social media posts are going to go up. I haven't even started on stories!

It is no wonder so many wedding business owners get overwhelmed and just don't post enough to attract their clients in and get bookings, so let me share a little tip with you, of which I have many!
This week in my Business of Weddings Lounge Facebook group I shared a downloadable document all about creating content buckets for your Social Media scheduling. If you are not in the group on Facebook I do recommend joining my fab community as it is full of free resources you can use for your businesses and we are a friendly bunch in there.
This one tiny business tip is also included as the business tip of the month in my Business of Weddings Membership Club, amongst a lot of other brilliant training and inspirations you can take away to use for your wedding business.

I hope you enjoyed this post and it helps with planning your social media, if you would love more tips and tricks come and join our Facebook Group, The Business of Weddings Lounge and if you would love to learn more about the Business of Weddings Membership Club just click here.
Laura x